Maple platforms


I was wondering if anyone has used maple platforms under their turntable and if so what were the results. An exmple of the platforms I'm refering to can be seen at:

My rack is MDF so I'm wondering if puting something harder between it and the turntable will improve sound. In other words, does the mdf have a damping affect on the turntable--in this case a Rega 3?

I have a VPI Aries & saw a dramatic difference when I moved from putting it on a granite shelf (on top of a wood diy flexy rack) to a maple shelf. I haven't updated my virtual system, but I have the flexy rack, a little (3/4") 4X6 graite plate, then a Xindak piece, another piece of granite & a 3" timbernation maple slab (then, the tt).

I use the granite/xindak/granite to provide 3 "single points" for the weight/vibrations.

Anyway, I believe that a lot of unsprung turntables could also benefit from wood shelves.

Just my two cents, no claim at expertise.
Check out Stereo Times online for an excellent article on audio system tuning with wood component supports:
"Art & Science of Audio Tuning: Part Four" which discusses the effect of different types of wood on sound. I've used thick maple shelves as well as experimented with small blocks of different types of hardwoods as the article suggests and there are definitely differences in how they make my system sound. You may find that a very modest investment in wood may get you a very satisfying improvement. It worked for me. If you like, I can even send you (at no cost)some extra blocks I have of Teak and Zebrawood to experiment with. Just contact me at: with your mailing address.
In my case (VPI Scout/Garrott Optim FGS) the maple platform absolutely improves the sound greatly over the sound I hear with the table sitting on MDF. I consider the maple platform a necessity it sounds so much better. Richer & more organic sound, better frequency extension (particularly the bass,) better retrieval of ambience information.
Be cautious about using absorbent materials. A combination of VSE Tri-Orbs, 4" Mapleshade shelves and (cork and rubber) Isoblocks under very high end digital gear proved to be much less effective than another, simpler solution.