Basis Vector 3 vs. Schröder, Triplanar, Graham

Much less seems to have been written about the Basis Vector 3 tonearm than the other top arms, including the various Schröders, the Triplanar VII, Graham Phantom, and so forth. Has anyone compared the Vector 3 with any of these other arms?

What cartridge was used with the Vector? What did you use to support the signal cables from the arm?
Hi Larry,
which System did you mount for your comparison ?
And what kind of phonopre did you use ?

Regards Karl-Heinz
Chris, Can you expand a little more on your comparison of the Moerch arms to the Schroeder Ref. I am using a 12" DP-6 (with a Benz L2) and have been curious how the Schroeder would improve things. Thanks.

I compared the Vector 3 (on a Basis Debut Vacuum and Benz Ruby 2 cart) and much preferred the Vector, particularly in the tracking department. Not as tweakable as the Grmaham (I didn't get the optional VTA adjuster for the Vector) but one I found the right settings, they;ve stayed unchanged for months.
The entries in this thread by Teres and Cello caught my curiosity. Knocking the Basis Vector as they did contradicts both the results of many users and the stellar praise stated in a significant number of threads on various bulletin boards. By examining Audiogon threads it turns out that Teres is not a consumer; he is a manufacturer of turntables and also a reseller of Schroder tonearms. He is a direct competitor of Basis Audio; what a surprise!

Teres statements made on an open forum of a competitor’s products are biased, a conflict of interest, unprofessional, and disingenuous. And per various threads Cello is a major-league Teres’ lover who knows Teres & lives in such close proximity that as Teres stated he “was there for the weekend" comparison of tonearms. It would be near impossible for anyone that close to Teres to be objective about quality products that compete with Teres.