Basis Vector 3 vs. Schröder, Triplanar, Graham

Much less seems to have been written about the Basis Vector 3 tonearm than the other top arms, including the various Schröders, the Triplanar VII, Graham Phantom, and so forth. Has anyone compared the Vector 3 with any of these other arms?
Hi Larry,

well you should consider Kuzma Reference Airline
this one outperformance the Schroeder Reference
Regards Karl-Heinz
I think, the answers will vary, the Vector arm has not the "Hype" other Arm are having. From what I heard ( not personally, but from people, who know their stuff ), it is a real interesting Arm. I am not mad about the Schroeders, some others are, I prefer ( and bought ) the Triplanar VII much more and the Graham 2.2 is a class on it's own with cartridge adjustment. The Graham should also be connected to a first class phono cable, otherwise the result is like rolling a dice. But before, you should have a real good phonostage, which will allow to hear EVERYTHING, that's even more important.

What cartridge was used with the Vector? What did you use to support the signal cables from the arm?
Hi Larry,
which System did you mount for your comparison ?
And what kind of phonopre did you use ?

Regards Karl-Heinz
Chris, Can you expand a little more on your comparison of the Moerch arms to the Schroeder Ref. I am using a 12" DP-6 (with a Benz L2) and have been curious how the Schroeder would improve things. Thanks.
