Any arm/cartridge ideas?

I've recently started playing my Systemdek IIX again, but I'm pretty sure the stock Profile II arm and the Linn Basik cartridge I have are hindering it, even though it's in a distinctly mid-fi system.

I've received dealer advice to upgrade to a RB300 arm and a Goldring cartridge(either a 1012 or 1022).

Given that I don't want to spend more than $500 to upgrade it, does anyone have any input? Thanks!
The Rega would probably be your best bet; $500 doesn't buy much of a tonearm these days.
keep the arm and get a better cartridge.....grado....nice turntable/arm combo, and better than a lot of expensive tables

Ideally($), I'd go with just a cartridge upgrade if that would do the trick. The two dealers I talked to kind of ragged the stock arm, which was why I was asking for some, hopefully, objective advice. I've never made any upgrades to the table before.

I really like the sound of Grados in other people's rigs, but I've heard that they induce hum in tables like the Systemdek with unshielded motors. Any experience there?
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