Hi Dreadhead, I'm sorry, you are correct, I did misquote what you said. :-)
Well, here's some good news!
I spoke this morning at great length with DJ Casser, the owner of Black Diamond Racing, and in fact, we spoke together on 3 occasions (He called me back twice!)
With Dial Calipers in hand, DJ, and I went back, and forth discussing the shortcoming of my BDR Clamp, in that it won't couple with my thicker 200gm LPs.
What DJ says he will do, is ship me out a "Test Puck" that has threaded inserts set at different depths on both sides. From here, I'll be able to determine what will work in my particular instance with my Mk-IV Platter, grt back to him, and let him know what depth works correctly. Then he can more, or less custom manufacture a new, thicker puck for myself at a reasonable cost to me. (Hopefully the new Puck will not be too thick, and the test puck he is sending will be a copy of the thicker pucks later manufactured by them.
I'll say this, it was a pleasure dealing with DJ, a great guy, and one who definitely cares about how his products perform, and certainly appears to hold his customer's satisfaction paramount above all else.
I agree Dreadhead, leaving a dustcover down, and even on will be a detriment versus no cover at all.
From what I know, your advice is 100% on the mark, and I do deeply appeciate the time you, and the rest of you fine folks have taken to respond to me.
I'm very glad I joinedned this forum, and I thank you all again!
When I have some more info, I'll post it here.
The Puck DJ Casser is sending me is already on its way, as he gave me the tracking #. Cool, huh?! Mark