Reel to reel deck -Talk me in or out of buying

I can't help myself. I feel like an addict. I really, REALLY want to buy a reel to reel tape deck. But why? I don't own any reels. Can a case be made for buying a deck in this digital age? I'm salivating over a Revox g36 tube unit.

I'm tearing myself to pieces over here. HELP!
RTR was dear to my heart at one point as it was my main source for many years. I have a Tandberg 9200XD that is out of service due to the heads being worn out.

As long as we have a few RTR folks here...anyone know my options to get it back into service? I checked on a repair maybe ten years back and it was near the original purchase price(1976). Anyone know a better way?


You might try giving JRF Magnetic Sciences a call.

I would be tickled pink to hear that you are able to get your Tandberg up and running!

This is what scares me: A 7 1/2 IPS reel to reel tape of the Beatles Revolver on Ebay (link below) going for $113 and the bidding isn't over yet. Sheesh.

You guys are no help. I want a deck, then I don't want a deck. I want a deck, now I don't want a deck. I have no idea. I'm going to try to hold on until this passes or I break down and buy something in the middle of the night when no one can see me.
Kubla, A RtoR Deck can be a very nice item to have.
I have two, a bought new mint TEAC A3340S, and a mint TEAC A2340R. Both are 4 track, 4 channel decks, but either can be used for stereo playback-recording.

I've yet to hear a cassette deck to compare to a good reel deck. Nice decks would be a mint Revox A77, Tandberg, Fostex, and TEAC/ Something like a TEAC 3300 series with both 7-1/2, and 15 ips would be sweet.

There is a two track version in this 3300 series, but the downside will be it won't play 4-track tapes.
Many of these units had auto-reversing, using a piece of foil tape applied at the end, so it would reverse, and play the other side, without havinbg to get up.

At the slower speeds (7-1/2ips) with a 10" reel, they're great for parties, putting a mix of music on them (remember Pulp Fiction?) and also great for recording LPs. After you record LP's onto them, don't matter how loud you play them, or people dancing around jumping up, and down on the floor, you won't have to worry about acoustic feedback, or transmitted vibratrions. Mark