MC transformers - what do they sound like?

Besides providing gain, are good quality MC transformers transparent to the signal they are providing the gain to. Or do they give added/reduced bass weight, more high end sparkle, added grain or what?.
This is obviously compared to active gain
It seems that audiophiles either luv or hate MC transformers?.
The Jensens are amongst the best. Audio Research uses them in their reference phono and Rowland uses them as balancing transformers. I think though Audio Research is charging a lot of money for something you can buy directly from Jensen for a couple of hundred bucks.
I've used a couple of inexpensive Denon step-up trannies with Denon DL-103 carts and think they're great. Excellent synergy. Dave
Look at these. When I get a few buck,I am going to mod my 834p with a set of these mosters.
Makes the jensens look like toys.

Thom. thaqnks for that, The Bent audio Mu transformers appeals to me as it is easy to change the loading and seems to have a good reputation.

What is the difference between changing the load on a MC transformer compared to changing the loads on an active gain stage. Most active gain stages have several impedance loading options these days.

there still seems to be no consensus on whether a MC transformer adds bass or takes it away.

My only expereince with MC transformers was with the Manley Steelhead and the transformers sounded a little more dynamics in the bass compared to the straight gain - sound wise not my cup of tea, a little hi fi sounding

Rwwear, I think you will find that ARC have dereleased their ref phono stage and replaced it with the PH7 phono. get / tube like the PH5 but souped up to the max.
the transformers sounded a little more dynamics in the bass
I think you'll find this is due to better loading -- rather than a characteristic of trannies at large.
What a well implemented tranny should offer is a little bit of extra signal purity...
Makris explains all of this above.
You can also consult Stevens & Billington's (S&B)site (link above, FLemke) for some implementation info.
Finally, experience I've with S&B trannies is very encouraging. I believe Bent uses these for their products.