Manhattan vinyl shops

I'm going to be spending some time in Manhattan and am wondering where some good vinyl shops are. Also, if anyone knows of some good jazz happening within the next few weeks feel free to let me know!
June 2005 Stereophile has a feature
on a bunch of shops, maybe it's at
their site online.
The Bop Shop is actually quite far from the Big Apple. It is located in Rochester, NY, which is a 6 hour ride by car. Over 300 miles away.
Academy lp's on 10th street between 3rd and 4th avenues.
Footlight on 12th Street between 3rd & 4th Avenues.
The Sound Library on Ave A between 13th and 14th streets.
A1 Records on 6th street between Ave A and 1st Avenue.

You should try and check out Academy lp's in Willamsburg in Brooklyn, much larger store and lots of wax.

Happy hunting and leave some for me will ya...LOL.
Thanks for all of the great places! I can't wait!
I know I have that Stereophile somewhere. Now that I know the month I will try to find the article. Thank you.