List or discuss your favorite music

List your favorite music recordings, and why you love them. Sonic excellence, musical and emotional content, or maybe just fun and memories.
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Garfish: Which Loreena McKinnitt CD had the single that got so much radio airplay about a year and a half ago?
Albert or others, What's a good search pattern for LPs on e-bay. My try yesterday was frustrating and didn't yield anything good. I am interested in Classical and Jazz orginal recordings. Gerrym5
Hi Carl; re: L. McKennitt. I suspect the radio play was from her 1997 release "The Book of Secrets"-- a fantastic CD and my favorite (I don't know the track). I don't listen to much radio as I live well off the beaten path. I think I've got enough Celtic heritage that her music, especially the heavy percussion neo-celtic/new agey stuff, makes my blood race. Some think some of her music is paganistic, and she's gotten some criticism, but I think it's beautiful and stirring. L.Mc. actually lives in Canada, but of course has Celtic heiritage.
Gerrym5. On EBAY, go to "Books, Movies, Music." Then before hitting search, click "Records" under "Music." When the search page comes up, click the box that says "search only in Music: Records." By starting this way, you don't get photo's or memorabilia or other formats. By putting the artist name in the search I described above, you get a page or two of only what you are searching for. An added benefit is to have All Music Guide in your bookmark, then you can search all the work by any artist and see the relative quality and performance rating, it can help by providing the cuts on the particular LP you are studying, and when the recording was made and even who played on that recording with the main artist. Then, click back to EBAY, and decide what you are willing to pay, now that you are informed.