I think that as long as you have the patience to dial in your monitors and the sub, your speakers are not holding you back. The other speakers you mentioned would merely be a different flavor, and it is only for you to determine whether you would like something else better. Especially if you move around a lot and live in apartments, the adaptability of monitors/sub and ability to turn down / turn off the sub if you have bass-sensitive neighbors makes this approach compelling.
So in response to your specific question, "[W]ould it be odd to see a SME Model 10 with Revel M20s and a B15 as speakers? ", the answer is no, not at all. Looking at your system, I am inclined to suggest that, in addition to improving your analog rig, you look at a good used integrated tube amp, as it would work particularly well with monitors, a sub and analog front end.
PS - My speakers: Salons and Mahlers.
So in response to your specific question, "[W]ould it be odd to see a SME Model 10 with Revel M20s and a B15 as speakers? ", the answer is no, not at all. Looking at your system, I am inclined to suggest that, in addition to improving your analog rig, you look at a good used integrated tube amp, as it would work particularly well with monitors, a sub and analog front end.
PS - My speakers: Salons and Mahlers.