HELP, Pls - re Automatic Turntables, Vintage/New

Am new to Audiogon but most impressed with the expertise reflected in these posts... Hope you can help me. I'm looking to replace a vintage Denon DP-52F turntable (fully automatic), owned by my 90-year old father.

My dad is an avid audiophile who has traded well over the past 50+ yrs... System includes Audio Research receiver (no model # on face but its '80s-era combination tube & transistor unit), McIntosh MC2505 Power Amp & a McIntosh 2100 amp, McIntosh MR-67 FM tuner (tubes), 2 original Altec-Lansing VOTT speakers (A7s), and 2 Tannoy speakers, one being the classic GRF Corner Horn.

Turntable has been the weakest link... In part because, as he's aged, hands have become unsteady; he needs an automatic table to position the arm for him.

Would be MOST grateful for suggestions on possible replacements for his DP-52F Denon. Have thought to look for other vintage/automatic Denons, but parts availability seems to range from spotty to nil. Have also considered Technics, such as SL-1300MK2/1600MK2... But apparently they have common problem with cueing & auto-lift(costly fix).

Any thoughts on other makes/models to look for -- vintage or new -- would be appreciated. We have a modest budget (up to perhaps $600, give or take)... But dearly hope to find something that will sound as good as that old Denon.

Many thanks!!!
If your budget is $600 and you're looking at Technics, you can buy a new Technics 1200 from KAB:

I haven't heard one, but a number of users here have them and seem very happy with them, claiming that with mods they can compete at a very high level.
Tubes108 --

Thanks for sharing that info about the Markel... It does indeed sound like a mechanical marvel! Don't know what the odds are of finding such a thing in operable condition, but one never knows.

As for the Tannoys, they are wonderful. They are very rich & mellow-sounding... More subtle, less "bright" than my dad’s two Voice of the Theatres. The massive old GRF Corner horn deserves its reputation as a classic; I can't remember the model # of my dad's other Tannoy, but it is also a big cabinet... Not certain, but I think it has the same 15" dual concentric horn as its larger (and older) brother.

I read a comment recently from someone who once owned a pair of the GRF Corner horn cabinets – said, "I had to sell them to buy a house! I should have rented instead."

Along those lines, glad my dad still has his original Altec-Lansing VOTT A7s... Noticed that A-L is now selling "replicas" of these for more than $12K a pair.

Armstrod --

Thanks for the lead on Technics 1200, I'll check it out. Is it an automatic though, or manual...? My dad's need for auto-functioning is a big constraint, sound quality-wise & in terms of choices... But at 90, I'm just glad his audiophile’s ear has held up better than the steadiness of his hands! Thanks for suggestion--
There's a mint, very low hours, DP-45f on Ebay right now that I would grab if the bidding stays reasonable. Perfectly good table, pretty much the same as a 52f - and even ultra-mint ones are usually under $300.

(I have no relation to the seller.)
Opalchip,thanks -

I'll take a look at the 45-F. Believe that model wasn't quite as nice as the 52-F, though I can't tell you exactly what the differences were.... Must have been something, based on price though... The 45-F came out about 2-yrs after the 52-F, and sold for around $350 new (vs $500-some for the 52-F). Still, worth a look. Thanks!
There is a Micro Seiki DD-31 semi automatic table for sale right now on Audiogon. I've owned a DD-33 since new in '78 and it is still in use on one of my systems. Great table. Check it out. I do not believe you'd be disappointed.