Hi there,
only my take - don't even think about it !
I buy, sell & service these as a hobby/sideline.
I've tried this route and it's always cost me money.
I can tell you categorically, I make more money splitting lovely well set up tables and selling them for spares.
It's not a black art but setting up a linn properly only comes thru experience. A perfectly set up cheap combo will outperform a badly set up expensive one and believe me, I don't see many set up correctly.
You have to hope you get a good sub/chassis bearing, inner platter - see people selling bearings, inner platters seperately - like sticking the pistons from one worn engine into another ones worn block - madness.
Outer platters always go for 60% of the new price and most valhallas psu's you see these days are tired old dogs.
These are powered all the time they are connected to the mains, hence after 20 years, they tend to burn out.
I watch the prices and there are some nice units at very reasonable prices on Gon - why risk idiot bay ?
Buy one from an enthusiast, make sure it has the original box - the only way to ship it without it getting wrecked.Get one that's ben looked after and the parts for a complete service are reasonable - new springs/grommets, oil & belt - not sure of usa prices but about £30 here in the uk
I'm not trying to be a bore or a purist, I mod the hell out of mine - just trying to save you wasting money !
Cheers Si
only my take - don't even think about it !
I buy, sell & service these as a hobby/sideline.
I've tried this route and it's always cost me money.
I can tell you categorically, I make more money splitting lovely well set up tables and selling them for spares.
It's not a black art but setting up a linn properly only comes thru experience. A perfectly set up cheap combo will outperform a badly set up expensive one and believe me, I don't see many set up correctly.
You have to hope you get a good sub/chassis bearing, inner platter - see people selling bearings, inner platters seperately - like sticking the pistons from one worn engine into another ones worn block - madness.
Outer platters always go for 60% of the new price and most valhallas psu's you see these days are tired old dogs.
These are powered all the time they are connected to the mains, hence after 20 years, they tend to burn out.
I watch the prices and there are some nice units at very reasonable prices on Gon - why risk idiot bay ?
Buy one from an enthusiast, make sure it has the original box - the only way to ship it without it getting wrecked.Get one that's ben looked after and the parts for a complete service are reasonable - new springs/grommets, oil & belt - not sure of usa prices but about £30 here in the uk
I'm not trying to be a bore or a purist, I mod the hell out of mine - just trying to save you wasting money !
Cheers Si