Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Available at any supermarket or Walmart. $5 will buy enough to make hundreds of stylus cleaners.
Cut off a piece of the white portion and blue tack/silicone glue to a nickel, or to any other non-magnetic base if a nickel would strain the budget. Use it like you would a ZeroDust, just dip the stylus into it a couple times after each side.
- cleans better than a ZeroDust or ExtremePhono
- safer than any liquid or vibrating cleaner
- cheaper by far than any of them
My ZYX UNIverse has never been cleaned by anything but this and a dry stylus brush, and it's as clean as the day it was new under 200X magnification. Search for "Magic Eraser" on VA if you want testimonials from hundreds of happy users.
Cut off a piece of the white portion and blue tack/silicone glue to a nickel, or to any other non-magnetic base if a nickel would strain the budget. Use it like you would a ZeroDust, just dip the stylus into it a couple times after each side.
- cleans better than a ZeroDust or ExtremePhono
- safer than any liquid or vibrating cleaner
- cheaper by far than any of them
My ZYX UNIverse has never been cleaned by anything but this and a dry stylus brush, and it's as clean as the day it was new under 200X magnification. Search for "Magic Eraser" on VA if you want testimonials from hundreds of happy users.