stylus cleaning

I have a Dynavector 17D2 and have been advised not to use my audio technica vibrating stylus cleaner as it may damage the cantilever. Is this correct and if so what is the best way to keep the stylus clean on these cartridges?
After each side I do a stylus check with a 20x loupe mounted on a stand at the right height with focused back-lighting from a gooseneck Littlite. I suppose that is fanatical, but its now just a habit. I've tried a bunch of different techniques including the same AT vibrating cleaner, the small Last type brush, the Mr.Clean, and Zerodust.

With the caveat that it is not suitable for all cartridges, I've used LAST for over twenty years with very positive results. I think it mitigates the molecular level vinyl build-up that Doug mentions - though I haven't any molecular level evidence besides ease of stylus cleaning.

A fine sable hair artist brush with the tip clipped down a bit does an excellent job cleaning bits off the cantilever and motor mask. When more is needed for stylus cleaning I find the Zerodust gives the best and most consistent results with the least potential risk. Typically a single dip into the Zerodust is all it takes. Do it often and gently and there will be no need for more agressive cleaning. The Zerodust has a cover and is reuseable - cleans up easily with distilled water after a month or so of use.

Don't mean to sound like a Zerodust ad, but after years of using a bristly little brush (back to front only please) I welcome it as a safe effective product.

Jtim, not only is check your stylus everytime with a loop fanatical, but also pretty annal, however, i noticed you mentioned cleaning the zerodust with distilled water, i usually just wash mine under the sink with a little bit of dish soap or something and the rinse and let it dry, i haven't heard the distilled water thing, am i doing something wrong or harmful ?
Hi Readster - my loupe is mounted on a little stand so all I have to do to check the stylus is bend a little to look through it with the tonearm in the rest position. Fanatical, anal, wacko, or what have you, it is easy enuf to do. I suspect some folks may be surprised what their cart is carrying around that can't be seen with the naked eye.

If you think checking the stylus after each side is anal, I also run a HEPA air filter near my TT stand (unplugged during listening sessions). It does reduce the dust near the equipment area. I've got more flack over that then the stylus thing. But I don't change VTA with every record, so maybe I still have a ways to go yet.

My tap water is quite 'hard' - it has a lot of minerals in it, even with a water softener - so distilled works fine for me. I figure with a multi-$ cartridge the caution doesn't hurt and the Zerodust doesn't need cleaning all that often. So I suppose the little extra makes me feel good about myself. heh :-) cheers!

actually i would like to have a jewelers loop for that exact purpose, i'm pretty anal about some stuff too, especially on things i've spent alot of money on, so it wasn't meant to be an insult.