Can a garage serve as listening room?

My system is currently located in my living room, which is a nice big room. However, due to space constraints (wife imposed of course), and the dangers posed by ambulatory toddlers, I have considered moving my system to my garage. However, I fear that a metal garage door, and concrete floors will probably have negative sonic ramifications. Is this so?

All responses will be greatly appreciated.


OMG Peter, that is a beautiful room. Is that really your garage? Are those speakers Tidal Audio?
You can definitely do what Peter did ( Nice job!!!) as I also did mine too... A tremendous amount of work but we both followed similar paths with fairly similar results though mine started as a 13.5' x 19' and the finished interior ended just a bit less than that after all the sheetrock/ walls and insulation...So, yes it can be done to very satisfying levels if you want to take on the project. Good luck.

Well it was my garage :-) now its my music room, serves as my home office too. The speakers are my Sammy

Sammy Review

Lissnr , Very nice job too

Good Listening

Based on the year of construction, the concrete floor may have a 1/4" per foot sloop to the door. If it does, light weight concrete can be installed to level the floor out. The steel door can me treated with insulation which is sold at one of big box hardware stores. Electrical issues may need to be addressed. Also changing the the garage to habitable space, as it relates to the Building Code (s) is another issue. If you avoid the code, add a smoke detector.

Good Luck
I am in the process of converting mine to a dual AV.. 2 channel room. I will keep you posted....PT