Good or Bad idea?? ??

Hello Audiogoner's,
buying a vintage cartridge like a older koetsu or kiseki or any vintage cartridge, is one taking a risk of having a problem due to environmental issues?? or is a cartridge pretty stable and made to last providing it was handled with the most care. Thanks for your help.
Depending on storage technique, there can also be corrosion issues. I have seen aluminum cantilevers that have corroded over time due to being stored in a humid climate. The copper wires of the generator and the suspension wires can also corrode if not stored in a dry climate. Suspension rubbers drying out is another problem. That can happen even if the cartridge is stored in a dry climate.
As Swampie says, you should factor in the cost of rebuiding the cartridge unless it is much less than ten years old and stored properly. Use should also be factored as well as the price of said cartridge. I believe a rebuild is around 1200.00 for Koetsu.
Just as a positive counter-balance to the above, these old Koetsus and Kisekis, like the current Allaerts cartridges, are said to have a stylus life in excess of 10,000 hours. My own Kiseki Purpleheart Sapphire is still an incredible-sounding cartrdige after more than 15 years of on-off use, probably some 5,000-6,000 hours on it, perhaps more, still going very strong, still out-details and out-Arts most current designs. Having recently pulled it out for demonstration purposes, it has received universal gasps of admiration, and offers. So, assuming you can trust the seller or even audition one of these older classics, then it is not such a terrible idea. In the world of vintage MMs, I have had roughly a 10% failure rate, which is quite good. For a return, I find most vintage statement MMs to be superior in all kinds of ways to current designs, so the return, considering the investment, is very good, but there is a risk. No Pain, no Gain!
Hi Guys!!,
you hit it as usual right on the nail! it's pretty much what I thought, but I was not 100% sure. Thanks for your enormous support. Aoltes