Transfiguration Orpheus - Has anyone tried it ?

I was considering buying a Transfiguration Temper W but I am now aware that a new cartridge called the Orpheus is available costing more than the Temper.
Not much info seems to be available about it other than basic specs, can anyone comment on differences between it and the Temper.

Many thanks

Thanks for your feedback. I've heard that the upper end benz's sound pretty good.

Didn' know this thread had reawakened -- it's too hard to accurately convey what someone else will hear and how they'll react, to write this with certainty. My Orpheus still has only 25 hrs. on it, and I don't think it's fully come into its own.

I think the difference between it and my former V (at its best) is greater than Gary describes. Most striking to me has been how much quieter the background seems, with better emergence of low-level detail and more separation of musical notes from the surrounding silence. The bass is also better, clearer, more detailed.

Bloom: if that means a sense of dimensionality, it's been my sense that it's pretty good, lots of space around the notes (which I think I can hear even with hearing in only one ear -- it helps with hearing the music).

Warmth: I'm not clear on what that means -- if a fuller lower middle range, no, I don't think it has more of that than the Tempers. If it means instrumental sweetness, well, so far it sounds a bit clinical to me. However, I do feel that may correct with more time.

I'm with Tubes108 that the Temper V (and W) are very fine cartridges and don't need changing out for great, great satisfaction. I'll come back on after I get 40-60 hours on it with any different opinion. It clearly changes (e.g., reduced brightness) with break-in, and that hasn't stopped as yet.
Larry,though I do love your comments,the fact that your original Temper-v was bought used,and then began to degrade(I had a Temper that was still going strong for 8 yrs,before I upgraded to the "V")kind of dulls down the comparison.I mean this with all due respect,and have NO doubt the newer model(Orpheus) is better,as you hear it!

Transfigurations of the past have all been better in each new generation.My friends have owned about three or four different vintages,and that was the case,so I'm sure the Orpheus is the best of the lot!
In any event,I'm really happy that you are getting such satisfaction from yours,but remember that your "V" was not a fair comparison!

Although I've tried to make that clear from the beginning, it is worth repeating. To be continued.
I'm going to attempt the endurance record with my V. Till the "tip" do us part.