Larry,Hi Fi News and Record Review!
Also,if your CD sound was equal to your analog,before the Orpheus,than maybe I do not have egg dripping down my face -:)The Temper-V should have "smoked" a digital system(regardless of vintage,and I have a good one too)in areas of detail, and information retreival,ease,stage,etc.HMM! -:)
Best! And I do look forward to your future comments,but be careful because I don't want to irritate the ZYX crowd with too much Orpheus info,at my behest! -:)Just kidding!
BTW--If things go my way,and as the Orpheus is still big bucks to update from a Temper,I'm seriously thinking about jumping ship,and moving to one of the two top Allaerts models,next year.
I had ten years with different Koetsus,and now ten years with the Transfiguration vintages.I'm beginning to suspect that my loyalties don't go much beyond a decade,with small transducers.Of course I also suspect Raul may think I could go longer with an Allaerts,as I have a superb low noise,high gain phono section!
Time will tell!
Also,if your CD sound was equal to your analog,before the Orpheus,than maybe I do not have egg dripping down my face -:)The Temper-V should have "smoked" a digital system(regardless of vintage,and I have a good one too)in areas of detail, and information retreival,ease,stage,etc.HMM! -:)
Best! And I do look forward to your future comments,but be careful because I don't want to irritate the ZYX crowd with too much Orpheus info,at my behest! -:)Just kidding!
BTW--If things go my way,and as the Orpheus is still big bucks to update from a Temper,I'm seriously thinking about jumping ship,and moving to one of the two top Allaerts models,next year.
I had ten years with different Koetsus,and now ten years with the Transfiguration vintages.I'm beginning to suspect that my loyalties don't go much beyond a decade,with small transducers.Of course I also suspect Raul may think I could go longer with an Allaerts,as I have a superb low noise,high gain phono section!
Time will tell!