Is Direct Drive Really Better?

I've been reading and hearing more and more about the superiority of direct drive because it drives the platter rather than dragging it along by belt. It actually makes some sense if you think about cars. Belt drives rely on momentum from a heavy platter to cruise through tight spots. Direct drive actually powers the platter. Opinions?
Macrojack, I built an idler wheel table from a Lenco and I would not consider myself to be a DIY guy (although I am getting better) - it's not that hard if you have the time to do it. You cut some plywood and MDF to the same size, cut out the cavities for the guts of the lenco to fit inside it, glue the layers together, bolt the lenco onto the plinth, finish with self-adhering veneer or stain it. The veneer covers a lot of the mistakes. If you use the right arm or turn the thing 90 degrees, you don't need to cut the base plate to set the arm. You clean the motor and the bearing, stick some dampening under the plate, and for $500 you're stunned.

I don't have an opinion about which is better in the drives, but I will say without any reservation that I have enjoyed the hell out of mine. If like me you really get turned on by value, well, this is a real value in audio.

Plus you get to tell people "I built a turntable" and that in and of itself is worth the effort.

Lenco's are on ebay all the time - there are some specific models to buy and some to avoid. I used an L 75. I think the 69 (someone correct me if I am wrong) is also good - these have aluminum idler wheels rather than plastic.

So, if you really are curious, I am your role model. If I can do it, you can do it.
Dear Zaikesman: +++++ " Raul: I think your focus on speed-accuracy may be overstated. IMO speed-stability is the more important factor, beyond a certain point of competence concerning accuracy. Accuracy isn't that hard to achieve, stability is. " +++++

No, definitive I don't agree with you: ovbiously speed stability is a critical and very important TT subject but first than all we need speed accuracy, that's mean that first we need that the TT drive system runs exactly at 45 rpm ( example ) not at 44 or 46 rpm. It does not matters that a drive system has good speed stability if not has speed accuracy. In my opinion first we need speed accuracy and the second most desired characteristic is speed stability.
I don't agree too with : ++++ " Accuracy isn't that hard to achieve " +++++. I think that you are only " talking " ( with all respect: brain-masturbation . ) with out any scientific info that can confirm your statement. If it was not hard to achieve then we should have several TT with a speed accuracy of 0.001% and we only have two of them. Where do you learn or which are the facts that confirm your statements?

Here it is another of your BM that have no value at all because this BM can't be corroborated for any one ( you are accelerate your " car " in " neutral " . ):

+++++ " If a TT slows a bit when it encounters increased stylus drag, then a lathe must also slow when it cuts more highly modulated passages into the blank lacquer. To read the information as accurately as possible, the playback should read those grooves with speed distortions that correlate with how it was cut. " +++++

I'm not saying that you can't have all those BM that you posted and many more, what I try to explain is that those BM don't permit to any one to go any where.

I suggest that because you are very interested on this thread make a extensive research about your statements and share with us the facts that you find it.

Dear Zaikesman, you statements in their today status confused to many people and what all we need here is to have a clear and precise information on the thread subject with out speculations that can be corroborated.

Regards and enjoy the music.
In my opinion first we need speed accuracy and the second most desired characteristic is speed stability.
My ears need both, equally.

Please do extensive research on "brain masturbation" before posting about that topic again. We need clear and precise information on the subject, not speculations that cannot be corroborated. Lab-tested specifications from the manufacturer would be best. You probably have access to them!
Direct drive is better if your a DJ/rapper. Direct drive transmits more vibration to the platter where as in a belt driven turntable this vibration is isolated by the rubber belt itself.