hmmm. Rega tables are positioned in the "musical" side of the audio spectrum, and run at a little higher speed than normal (+1%-1.25% according to some measurments in the audio press).
Technics SP10 are Quartz-accurate, and are placed in the analytic side of the same audio spectrum.
No Rwwear, I have not (and pray god will neber have the time to) listen ALL direct drive tables and ALL belt drive tables - I am one more that places my audio preferenes to understand why an artist decided to place in music emotions.
Agreed with Twl and other´s comments regarding vinyl format superiority above other available formats (many years since I have not heard 15IPS R2R), and arriving to the conclusion that this vinyl will become more and more a niched-market source among this industry.
More food for thinking - Differences in price on ttables reflect less a sonic superiority compared to CD players, meaning - a decent entry level table/cart/arm combo (let´s say $750.00 US) brings one closer to a great musical experience than an entry level CDP of say, the same ammount of investment, and Rwwear, I have not heard ALL 750 US CDPs and ALL 759 US tables. :)
Technics SP10 are Quartz-accurate, and are placed in the analytic side of the same audio spectrum.
No Rwwear, I have not (and pray god will neber have the time to) listen ALL direct drive tables and ALL belt drive tables - I am one more that places my audio preferenes to understand why an artist decided to place in music emotions.
Agreed with Twl and other´s comments regarding vinyl format superiority above other available formats (many years since I have not heard 15IPS R2R), and arriving to the conclusion that this vinyl will become more and more a niched-market source among this industry.
More food for thinking - Differences in price on ttables reflect less a sonic superiority compared to CD players, meaning - a decent entry level table/cart/arm combo (let´s say $750.00 US) brings one closer to a great musical experience than an entry level CDP of say, the same ammount of investment, and Rwwear, I have not heard ALL 750 US CDPs and ALL 759 US tables. :)