Is Wally tool preffered for Graham 2.2?

I have a pal who asked me to post this question.I mentioned to him that I had heard that the Wally tools are superb,and that some have stated it was better than the supplied Graham stuff,for setting up the arm.I know some of you guys to be real "mavens" when it comes to the finer points of things analog(that's a compliment),so told him I'd go to the "source",and report back.

Also,I have heard it's tough to get in touch with Wally,and some dealers I know have had no success.How does one get the necessary Wally stuff?Also,do you feel there is a "real benefit" to using that stuff,over the supplied Graham set-up stuff?Thanks fellas!!

Dear Sirspeedy: I never owned or work with the Wally tool and I don't have the 2.2.

I own the DB, Dennesen, ADC and Cart Alig protractors. Usually I work with the DB one for set the overhang and with the Cart Aling for cartridge orientaion ( lateral angle of the cartridge in relation to the tonearm tube ).

The DB and ADC tools are of the two null points design and are far better than the one point Dennesen and Cart Align ( I'm a little surprised that Albert use this one point tool over other two points ).

I'm very satisfied with those tools, I never had any problems about cartridge set up in any of my several differents tonearms/cartridges combinations. My Audiocraft AC 3300 is in some ways similar to the 2.2 and is extremly easy to do the set up with the DB pprotractor.

I know that the cartridge set up on overhang, Azymuth, etc etc, are critical but as a fact if the overhang or the distance between the center spindle and the pivot center of the onearm are out, say by 0.1mm it does not make a sound reproduction difference against and error of 0.2mm or 0.0mm, so don't be nuts about.

Dear friends, please don't try to complicate something that is relative easy. Don't try to do here the same like the SRA for each record/track.

When you are nuts about overhang and SRA and are " figthing " with it I really don't know when you will find the time for listen to the music !!!!!

Regards and enjoy the music.
That was a very interesting info to read and I agree with Bob. A few days ago my audiophile Friend and we met us to compare a Kuzma Airline with the Graham Phantom, both were fitted with same cartridges ( UNIverse ), connected with identical Phono Stages ( Klyne 7 ) and to make a long story short, these 2 Arms are the best I ever listened to and the alignment system from Graham works very well.
Hello Bob,

Many thanks for contributing to our little chat. You wrote:

Our instruction book also points out another fact that the writer missed: the flip-over target plate of the alignment gauge DOES place about 1.25 grams of load force on the stylus, thereby placing the cartridge in it's dynamic operating position.

...our gauge does load the stylus tip so that typical VTF/VTA forces are applied.
For this to be true, wouldn't the cartridge have to be the same height as the one you designed the tool around?

Any variation in cartridge height would render the flip-over target plate less accurate as a VTF/VTA emulator. More significantly, since a different height cartridge changes the angle of the (unpressured) target plate, it also shifts the alignment points forward or aft from your intended location.

Your alignment tool is wonderfully ergonomic and ingeniously designed. Some of the rabidly particular (including myself) just prefer aligning under actual conditions. One of those YMMV situations I suppose.

Raul,thanks for the info.All other contributors,as well.Though I do have some additional tools,I've decided against using them as I feel confident in my Graham stuff.I have heard quite a few other set-ups,and am confident in my set-up skills(with my own stuff),as well as being much more than simply satisfied with the sound I'm able to get from my rig.I guess that's what it's all about,at least to me!My cartridge sits perfectly in the Graham jig,so will leave well enough alone.I really don't want to get too nuts,and I will recommend the same to my friend,who wanted me to initiate this thread.I'm happy that Bob has brought some of the questions "down to earth",and he clearly has the clout to extinguish the "fires" that some have inadvertantly set,over the last year!---Hooray!!

Thanks to all!
Just a quick note to Dougdeacon: yes, to be very specific, the target plate will exert the 1.25-1.5 gram downward force when it's level, and slightly less when it's not level. But the difference is really quite slight and even this "error" is less, I maintain, than the usual eye-ball results from typical paper protractors. This is especially true of those which depend on the sides of the cartridge body or tonearm wand for horizontal positioning (a very hit-and-miss chance of getting it really right).. The Wally is the best I've seen in on-turntable alignment systems. We maintain that the off-turntable system has it's own advantages - not to mention the safety - in cartridge installation/setup.

But, being a perfectionist, even this one detail of downward force exerted by the target plate will be addressed by our upcoming alignment fixture which will have an adjustable-height setting.

As Sirspeedy points out, it's necessary to get it right, but it's also good to know when not to be overly concrened and just enjoy the results of your (and our!) best efforts.

And speaking of Best Effort, thanks to all of you, by the way, who have bought the Phantom, even having previously owned the 2.2. Your notes to me have agreed with our own findings in the improvements noted in this latest design. OK, end of commercial and thanks again - tell your friends, too!