Tracking Force Gauges

I have only coarsely adjusted VTF on my cartridge using a Shure gauge and taking into account the ~ 0.3g overshoot some have reported.

I would like to embark on a careful study of the sensitivity of the sound attributes to small deviations within the recommended mfg's range. I'm curious to know what high VTF sounds like compared to low VTF and to find an optimum setting.

To do this I'm interested in your recommendations on digital VTF gauges with 0.01g accuracy.

I've heard about the MyWeigh scale and others. It seems like the my weigh scale is a traditional looking digital scale in that the measuring platform is very wide with the load cell likley centered beneath the platform. I'm not sure that one gets repeatable and accurate results if the cartridge were to be placed near the edge of the platform if the arm can't be moved in such a way.

Any thoughts on accurate VTF measurements?

There were some pretty cool pictures in that previous thread which showed how to make a fixture that would insure you would be weighing at the same height as a record surface. All you would need to do is tare to the weight of such a fixture. This fixture along with some of the scales mentioned here would be ideal and save alot compared to the cost of some guages.
The Wally Scale is $150 and comes with the extra fixture to place the stylus on.
There appear to be more than one digital gauge in the $90-$100 range. Anyone have a comment on the one shown here:

vs. this one:
CTM,you have to pay closer attention!The first guage(which I have,and like)measures to 1/1000's.The second guage is only measured in 1/10's!This is a big difference in the ability to get the most from a good cartridge!Though the ability to measure to 1/100's is all we really need,so the extra range of guage #1 is a bonus.

I have a Winds and am tempted to buy that $95.00 gauge anyway, before they raise their price.

That is a VERY fine looking stylus gauge for less than $100.00, did you notice they offered free shipping as well?