Tracking Force Gauges

I have only coarsely adjusted VTF on my cartridge using a Shure gauge and taking into account the ~ 0.3g overshoot some have reported.

I would like to embark on a careful study of the sensitivity of the sound attributes to small deviations within the recommended mfg's range. I'm curious to know what high VTF sounds like compared to low VTF and to find an optimum setting.

To do this I'm interested in your recommendations on digital VTF gauges with 0.01g accuracy.

I've heard about the MyWeigh scale and others. It seems like the my weigh scale is a traditional looking digital scale in that the measuring platform is very wide with the load cell likley centered beneath the platform. I'm not sure that one gets repeatable and accurate results if the cartridge were to be placed near the edge of the platform if the arm can't be moved in such a way.

Any thoughts on accurate VTF measurements?

I said the gauge comes with (there are several jokes here but I better leave it alone) three batteries when in fact it comes with four thin watch type batteries. It uses two batteries at a time so you have a spare set. I guess battery life is still an unknown at this time.

I wonder if they are using a 310 or 316 grade of SS. Below is some background of magnetic properties of stainless steels. I have one on order and will check this with a magnet.


Magnetic permeability is the ability of a material to carry magnetism, indicated by the degree to which it is attracted to a magnet. All stainless steels, with the exception of the austenitic group, are strongly attracted to a magnet.

Austenitic Grades

All austenitic grades (300 series) have very low magnetic permeabilities and hence show almost no response to a magnet when in the annealed condition; the situation is, however, far less clear when these steels have been cold worked by wire drawing, rolling or even centreless grinding, shot blasting or heavy polishing. After substantial cold working Grade 304 may exhibit quite strong response to a magnet, whereas Grades 310 and 316 will in most instances still be almost totally non-responsive.

The change in magnetic response is due to atomic lattice straining and formation of martensite. In general, the higher the nickel to chromium ratio the more stable is the austenitic structure and the less magnetic response that will be induced by cold work. Magnetic response can therefore be used as a method for sorting grades of stainless steel, but considerable caution needs to be exercised.


Hi Andrew,

Just so happens that I received my order of this scale in time to take it with me to Denver. I didn't do any actual VTF measurements with it, but Thom and I did compare the readings to his scale and also test the metal with a pretty strong magnet. Based on what we say I feel confident in saying that we all have absolutely nothing to fear. I used the calibration weight in my kitchen in New Hampshire and got a reading of 5.001. In Thom's basement in Denver I got a reading of 5.006. Pretty good considering the differences in altitude and weather.

SirSpeedy, I'm not sure what you were referring to specifically in some of your comment on the build. Now that I have one I can hold in my hands I'll look back through your posts and see if I can pick out what you meant.

In all, I'm very happy with this scale. I plan on doing some actual VTF measurements tonight when I get home. for those that have a scale that works for them I can't see the need to buy one just for the sake of it. But if you are in the same situation like I was of still searching for a good way to get repeatable VTF then the just could be exactly what you're looking for.
I received my gauge from Singapore as well. I am completely satisfied with it's appearance and construction for the low sum of $95.00 delivered.

Tomorrow night is music night, we plan on testing two or three different stylus force gauges, once the Walker is warmed up.

Lloyd Walker himself will be here in a few days, I plan on getting his opinion too.

For those that did not read my earlier post, I have the 1/100ths gram version of the Winds for reference.

Thanks. I ordered one a couple of weeks ago but haven't received it yet. I'm glad that everyone is happy with it. I like the fact that its range is only 5g, its accurate, and non magnetic.


Many have said that it's important to measure the VTF at record level. Instead of making platfroms and jigs, etc, what about increasing the VTA by roughly the height of the scale. I guess this should only be done if you have a ultra-reproducible VTA adjustments.

PS, Dan I'm looking forward to your Denver trip report.
