Tracking Force Gauges

I have only coarsely adjusted VTF on my cartridge using a Shure gauge and taking into account the ~ 0.3g overshoot some have reported.

I would like to embark on a careful study of the sensitivity of the sound attributes to small deviations within the recommended mfg's range. I'm curious to know what high VTF sounds like compared to low VTF and to find an optimum setting.

To do this I'm interested in your recommendations on digital VTF gauges with 0.01g accuracy.

I've heard about the MyWeigh scale and others. It seems like the my weigh scale is a traditional looking digital scale in that the measuring platform is very wide with the load cell likley centered beneath the platform. I'm not sure that one gets repeatable and accurate results if the cartridge were to be placed near the edge of the platform if the arm can't be moved in such a way.

Any thoughts on accurate VTF measurements?

I bought the $95 gauge and I'm extremely happy with it. Very repeatable and reliable. Highly recommended.

One more thing to add about the 95 gauge. I've noticed that as the cartridge is lowered down onto the gauge, and just before touchdown, the gauge begins to read negative. In my case it can be as mach as -0.03 g. Although the gauge is advertised as being non-magnetic, I suspect that there is some magnetic attraction between the cartridge magnet that slight pulls the gauge in its direction. The actual negative component is probably greater when the needle is on the surface. Therefore, the actual VTF is probably higher than indicated, albeit repeatable.

Have you experinced this?

Mine does this as well. I did check that the metal around the target area is not magnetically attracted with a pretty strong magnet. I didn't pay attention to what that magnet did to the readout since we were just concerned with the possibility that the cartridge would attract the metal. Like you say, it does seem repeatable and that's what really counts.


Something I had mentioined in the past,and worth repeating.I had compared the 95 dollar guage(I have it too)to my pal's Winds guage.The Winds guage is built like a tank.It has proven very useful,to my friend.It also,weighs a ton,and exudes quality,as in "I'm gonna last a lifetime"!The 95 dollar guage,we are speaking of was within .03 gms of the Winds when we compared accuracy.Beyond that we always tune by ear anyway.All in all this little guy is a fabulous buy,and the most recent issue of HiFi Choice has just reviewed it,stating it was "far more accurate than any guage they EVER tested"!I still think it looks a bit cheap,though.
The door,on guages should really be closed with this cute little device,though I'd be happy to trade mine for a mint Winds!

PS--for anyone following my audio life,as of lately,my Rowland has finally shipped!!HOORAY!!!