best phono-stage for 1200$ max.

I would appreciate opinions about phono stage in 1200$ price range.
A Mitch Singerman modified EAR834P may work for you depending on what the rest of your system consists of.
You may want to consider the Hagerman also, for a lot less than $1200. In kit form (if you're handy) or prebuilt. Very good, as long as you don't also need a step-up transformer for a low output MC. Then you'll need to figure in that extra cost also.

Graham Slee ERA V Gold is $1000 and depending on your other equipment and tastes is a great phono pre-amp.
ss would be the Lancelot Camelot & Charm psu, which beleive it or not will not shine without a decent power cord.
tube would be the Quicksilver stage & step up if you need it.
I love this stage. Shades the stage in my Supratek and most anything I've heard up to about 4x it's price.