Best phono stage balanced under $3000 used

I own simaudio pre and power amp and will attempt to run it in balanced mode. I would like to get a phono stage/amp that has balanced topology and balanced outs. Now I am using ear 834p, vpi tnt, sumiko bluepoint.I want something that will bring world class sound.
Where do you find a phono cartridge that has balanced outputs? While my SimAudio lp5.3 and PS Audio GCPH both have balanced outputs, I have yet to see a cartridge or tonearm that has balanced outputs. And if there is, what is the advantage I could expect to see.
05-20-06: Onhwy61
The Clearaudio Balanced Reference fits your needs at used prices. The K&K and Ayre list new for less than $3,000. All of these will give you excellent, but not state of the art performance.

The clearaudio Balance + for $2,500.00 new is fully balanced for input and output along with rca. I own one. Very quiet and dynamic.
No, I mean what cartridge puts out a balanced signal to run into the balanced input of the preamp
Then why dont they have balanced ouputs from the tonearm instead of the rca phono jacks I always see