I need to call on the expertise of the Audiogon analog gurus. I've recently ordered a Simon Yorke System 7 turntable with dual armboards and Koetsu Jade Platinum and Decca London Reference cartridges. The table comes with one Simon Yorke tonearm, but I'm unsure what second tonearm to purchase. Furthermore, what cartridge should I mount on which tonearm? I appreciate your help.
Dear Thsalmon : I don't know the SY tonearm characteristics but I read that it is a very good tonearm. I think that the manufacturer is the right place to have an advice about. Second tonearm?: why not another SY.
Raul - I agree but, unfortunately, Simon Yorke doesn't sell separate tonearms (ASAIK).
THSALMON: Oh my, what misery! You've just acquired one of the best TTs available.
You should add a Schroeder of choice (the Ref is good but expensive). In which case, most likely the Koetsu goes on the Yorke & the Decca on the Schroeder.
Most of all, just enjoy! Buy music before you purchase the extra tonearm!
I'm not that familiar with the S7, but it might be a good idea to get something fairly different. The S7 arm has fairly basic adjustments (non calibrated) so a Schroeder Ref. would be a good alternative, and keep it all clean looking. Alternatively a Kuzma Airline for another take, but its more cumbersome and has a few maintenance issues. For sheer simplicity and no maintenance, an SME V with Kondo wiring and bridge removed is also an excellent performer.
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