Shortlist of best cartridges with VPI

I'm trading up to a VPI Super Scoutmaster Signature and need a shortlist of best cartridges to consider with it. I have an Ayre K-1xe preamp, Levinson 20.5 mono blocks, Wilson Sophia 1s with current version Transparent reference cables on an SRA craz rack. My tastes in music are wide: pop, rock, folk, jazz & classical. Collection includes a number of early pressing 50s and early 60s Mercury Living Presence and RCA Living Stereo, as well as some Jazz and Rock albums from same period.
Ag insider logo xs@2xcipherjuris
Cipher- there are a lot of really good cartridges that work well with the VPI/JMW arm. I have the same table as you do and I use a Benz Silerv Reference cart, but I have had good success with Shelter 501 and 90X, Koetsu Urushi, and the Helikon from Lyra. You want to steer clear of cartridges that have less than 8gm weight on this arm, otherwise you need to use a seperate weight, which is a pain. You can't beat the Benx Silver Ref for being able to cut thru minor scratches and surface noise with very minimal clicks and pops, but any of the above cartridges would be terrific. Have FUN - John
shelter 501 mkII. the sig arm is perfect for it. if you can deal with the long break in, you won't look back.

i've also used and loved the sumiko celebration.
I am currently using the DV dr T XV-1S on a Super Scoutmaster. It is the best I have heard from any front end. I can't say any fairer than that!

The detail and low end control puts my previous decks to shame. The Scoutmaster with standard arm is also a way back from the Super.

Phono stage is the Art V1 which suits the DV well too.

Thanks, everyone. Your responses have given me the shortlist I need. Very good to know about the cartridge weight and compliance issues.

I have an Ayre C-5xe CD player, which as most of you probably know is accurate and musical, has great soundstage and awesome base with SACD, DVD Audio and Redbook as well. For this reason, I'll be looking for a cartridge that offers those qualities but is more warm and romantic, to have something different.
The new Clearaudio Maestro Wood works very well with the Scoutmaster. I just switched to a Maestro, having previously used the Virtuoso Wood, and am very pleased.