$3000 on Analog system - how to spread?

How should I spread this FIRST infusion of cash. Next one being perahaps a year out.


Table - 50%
Arm - 15%
Cartridge - 15%
Phonostage - 20%


Phonostage - 40%
Table - 30%
Arm - 20%
Cartridge - 10%

Any sensible way to do this? What's the best upgrade path. Thanx
It would help a lot if you discussed the actual equipment you're considering. This theoretical percentage excercise is just "pie in the sky" IMO.

Just my 2cents.....

From a sound perspective, I believe that the components should go in this order (from most important to least) in the analogue chain of events, IMO. Given the percentage breakdown, the turntable (*) is generally the most expensive component in your average setup so take away the turntable and concentrate on the remaining three.

40% $800 - Tonearm
35% $700 - Phono stage
25% $500 - Cartridge
(*) $1000 - Turntable

Opinions, comments anyone??
Steveaudio; I haven't thought about anything yet. That's actually what I'm just starting to do. Another way to ask my question is, which link in the chain has the least and most impact. Whatever the most important was I would direct the majority of the funds towards, the least, well...

And, I'm surprised to hear that the phono stage has relatively small impact on sound. I'm glad I asked.

So, it sounds like I'm saying, make sure I have a good table and arm up front. Then upgrade the cartridge and phonostage as funds become available. Right? Thanx
After reading all these I just realize mine is totaly out of wack. Here is my breakdown:
12.8%------Arm, cables & isolation
60%--------Pnono Stage
But....... I'm happy with my anaolg's performance
Justubes; Glad you're happy with your rig. Unfortunately, it's wrong and you will have to sell and repurchase accordingly.
