Lehman Black Cube or Grado PH-1 Preamp

Anyone have experience with these? I'm not in a position to try them, but in the $500 range, these two seem to fair well. Thanks for any feedback.
Almost any 70's era integrated will supply you with a far superior phonostage, if there's no drift in caps. Grado uses a few special tricks, and I hear many more good things about it than Lehman, although I know 6 moons liked it. And as recent victim of Grado cartridge hum, I dunno. Of course I upgraded my phonostage as well.
I bought a Lehman SE here on A'gon used; I think they usually run 400 - 450 used ..... I recommend the SE; it's all the preamp I'll ever want. Joe
The Camelot Technologies Lancelot Pro is another to add to the list. Used should be in your price range. Its seperate DC power supply makes it super quiet and it has very flexible loading options. Expansive soundstage with plenty of detail and good drive.
