So...What do you listen to in your car?

I was thinking about this during my drive into Dallas this morning. I just acquired a half-dozen or so new releases on digital - some of which are challenging and really need several listens before drawing a conclusion about them.

Although I wish I owned them on vinyl, I wonder if I'd have given those challenging releases the chance to show their greatness if I owned them on another medium (practically and logistically I can't listen to my analog setup as much as I'd like). Hence, my commutes give me a listen to "get hooked" on a new release (or, a new release to me).

Most of the time (80%), I'm a talk radio junkie. But the rest of the time (20%) it's stuff I have on CD. Never FM or satellite radio.
I find listening to car hi-fi to be a distraction most of the time: if I am driving in a high performance car, I want to hear what is going on in the car, and around me- if I am doing humdrum commuting- which I consider to be more dangerous than driving on a racetrack- I am even more needful of sensory data from the outside world- errant minivans swerving into my path, the Harley guy who wants to be permanently invisible, etc.

The only time that tunes make sense when I am in the car is on long hiway road trips, which are infrequent.
At home I listen to the music at 33 1/3

In my car I listen to the music at 9,500