Can I clean my records manually?

Well, I know I can but, will this method yield acceptable results for approximately 6 months until I get a record cleaner? If so, I imagine I need a cleaning fluid and some type of a brush or rag. Can anyone recommend a method. Also, am I correct in assuming that the only value an automatic cleaner provides is convenience?

Further, can a dirty record damage a cartridge? I can't see how it would since dirt is softer than the vinyl grooves and lots softer than a diamond.

Am I that ignorant? Please, let me down easy.

Pawlowski6132 suggested he is 'still waiting'.

Waiting for what? If the record cleaning method you adopt cleans your vinyl sufficent to reduce surface noise in your system to your satisfaction it does not matter what method you use. (as long as it is not destructive)

On the other hand if you are not satisfied you need to try something else.

Manual washing was good but I found use of a VPI machine gave better results for me. No microscope, just listening. Ditto 'home brew' solutions. OK result, great cost (low) but outperformed by the RRL solutions.

When I started listening with the ELP (laser player) what was formerly good enough didn't cut it. I had to do better. Enter the Loricraft. I did not need a microscope to hear less noise. The records were visually, and more importantly, audibly cleaner (however it takes longer to clean a record compared to the VPI).

As I continue to use the laser I find that a single solution is not enough. RRL works great. Cleaning with RRL and then following with L'art du Son works better- for some records. At times an enzyme step also helps, particularly with older dirty records as might be expected. If there is a lot of surface noise due to physical damage I reach for the Klymas.

What one needs to clean vinyl is record dependent (condition of the vinyl), system dependent (some stylus/arms are more forgiving than others; the laser is very intolerant of dirt) and of course user dependent: some of use don't mind some surface noise, others want CD like silence.

Bottom line: this is not a question with a simple, one size fits all answer. For many the nitty gritty with a basic home brew solution will be all that is needed. For others more will be required.

However, IMHO the better RCMs do a better job cleaning vinyl. Pawlowski6132 I could wave my hands and cite a zillion reasons why this might be so but at the end of the day it comes down to how the records sound. And my experience is they sound better with the VPI compaired to my manual cleaning efforts, and even better with the loricraft compaired to the VPI.

I also find that some of the commercial cleaning solutions really do offer value beyond diy solutions. I've heard people refute this and all I can say is if you get good enough results with a diy solution lucky you.

But if you find that you need more, try some. If you don't, forget it and enjoy the music. (As well as the trains, cannon shots, airplanes etc. Yes, I am an unrepentant unashamed audiophile)

And if anyone has any reasonable methods to improve vinyl play back I'll take a listen!

Demagnitisation anyone? : )
The Loricraft and Monk do not offer superior cleaning. A manual machine such as the Record Doctor, good fluids, good brushes, and some elbow grease will get your records just as clean. It takes longer and requires a bit of work but I guarantee my records are just as clean as anything cleaned by the megabuck machines. I've also purchased many pieces of vinyl with the money saved.
Audiofeil,that's what suspected. However, as I meant to say earlier, I was looking for someone to give specific reaons why machines worked better.
When you need the automobile really neat and clean, do you go to the car wash or do it yourself? Done deal.
Audiofeil, I doubt you can guarantee that your records are just as clean. What would you use as proof?

All that I can say without further proof is that I found the records cleaned with the Loricraft were freer of pops and clicks and had greater resolution than those cleaned with the VPI.

I have also owned Nitty Gritty, several models of the VPI, and long ago a Keith Monks machine.

It all well and good to save money and to be satisfied with your cleaning methods, but stop the nonsense of saying you will guarantee it is as good as any record cleaning machine. In my experience, this is just not so nor will I guarantee that that I can prove to you that my records are cleaner. They just sound cleaner.