My pal is about to move up to an Orpheus.He,like me,has a Temper-V,which I set up for him.We both have very similar systems,with identical phonostages/pre's(actually everything is exactly the same,except speakers.He Kharma.Me Avalon),so I will do the new set up,in the very near future.
I will post my opinion,as well as the other listeners,who are present,in a future posting,and will try to be completely independent as to opinion of sound.
The review in the German magazine was woefully incomplete.What did we learn?
Here was another reviewer "making nice",to a new product!What else is new?
We have FAR better input from posters in this "analog" forum,about their opinions,and observations!!
Aoliviero,please don't take my comments as a criticism of your really nice,and good intentions,in posting the review.I thank you for that.
Yet,the review told owners(like me)of the Temper model absolutely nothing,as to a meaningful comparison!Poor audio journalism.Or incomplete,at least!I "SO" wanted some more meaningful feedback,other than "if you play around with loading,you get different musical perspectives"!WHEW!!