Tranfiguration Orpheus description

This is the first detailed description I've seen of the new Transfiguration Orpheus:

Anyone run across other info?

Just a note about output with Transfiguration products: they use the JVC test record. Most other manufacturers use the CBS test record which gives values 1.6x the "JVC" values. In addition, most phono preamp gain specs are tied to outputs based on the CBS values.

So to make a fair comparison with (most) other cartridges, and also to determine what kind of gain will be required from the phono preamp, it's necessary to convert the JVC derived values to the CBS value.

For instance the Orpheus is rated a 0.48mV output, but if it had been spec'd using the CBS record, the output would actually be 0.77mV -- fairly healthy by most MC standards.

My pal is about to move up to an Orpheus.He,like me,has a Temper-V,which I set up for him.We both have very similar systems,with identical phonostages/pre's(actually everything is exactly the same,except speakers.He Kharma.Me Avalon),so I will do the new set up,in the very near future.
I will post my opinion,as well as the other listeners,who are present,in a future posting,and will try to be completely independent as to opinion of sound.

The review in the German magazine was woefully incomplete.What did we learn?
Here was another reviewer "making nice",to a new product!What else is new?
We have FAR better input from posters in this "analog" forum,about their opinions,and observations!!
Aoliviero,please don't take my comments as a criticism of your really nice,and good intentions,in posting the review.I thank you for that.
Yet,the review told owners(like me)of the Temper model absolutely nothing,as to a meaningful comparison!Poor audio journalism.Or incomplete,at least!I "SO" wanted some more meaningful feedback,other than "if you play around with loading,you get different musical perspectives"!WHEW!!


No offence taken. I agree that magazine reviews are typically incomplete and this one does not give any indication on how it compares with other Trasfigs. I was thinking about not posting this but ultimately I thought that an additional data point, good, bad or indifferent could be considered.

I'm very interested in hearing your thoughts from the upcoming experiments. Have fun,

Andrew,I hope to install the Orpheus,for my friend,sometime in September.I'm really pushing him,to upgrade(?)sooner,due to selfish reasons.He is very interested in making this change.
Before the installation,we all go over to my friend Sid Marks,for an afternoon of INCREDIBLE LP fun.Sid is a "GOD" when it comes to great,rare,hard to find,MUST HAVE LP's.Of all types.He sports a superb system(really full range/convincing)anchored by the Lyra Titan cartridge.
We will then go to my Temper-v/Orpheus pal,Ed,and play the same LP's that we heard at Sid.Then move to the Temper/Orpheus comparison.Maybe a "spritz" of a Titan comparison,but it will be a different set-up,there.It's fun,anyway.Even if the Titan/Orpheus semi-comparison is not really valid.We all love this stuff anyway,and nothing is written in stone!
We usually come to an agreement,after much posturing,as to the ideal voicing of the cartridge,in Ed's fine set-up.I am the set-up "sucker"(I love it,but get up and down,"ALOT"),while the "GUYS" sit on their TUSH and tell me how to voice the arm bearing fluid/downforce/vta,until Sid,as usual,gives the thumbs up on the musical passages he is SO VERY familiar with.Boy,am I sick of Pavarotti on the SAME disc,everytime we make a change!!!!Or the Prokofiev Pno cto #5,or a host of other discs I have to bear,over and over,and over again.This certainly is the way to voice a good cartridge/arm/set-up,but I hope I get it close,the first "shot" or fifty!
I'll then post the observations,and try to indicate the discs and preferences.I'll try(everything is opinion)to make a meaningful comparison to the Temper-v,which I,too,own!
Obviously I am "selfishly" hoping to push my pal into a quick move,but he is "sold" on doing this anyway!


Sounds like you have a good process for comparisons. Too bad you're doing most of the work:) We're looking forward to the results.
