Tranfiguration Orpheus description

This is the first detailed description I've seen of the new Transfiguration Orpheus:

Anyone run across other info?

Doug, Dan,

Here are some comments with respect to azimuth adjustment that were discussed earlier in the recent past of this thread.

I finally got around t ocleaning some more of my calssical records and have been now playing some mono recordings. Using these it is much much easier to adjust azimuth. With samll changes I can get the image very centered in the middle.

Now I know what you mean. It is very difficult with Stereo recordings but relatively it's a cinch with mono's. I don't think I'll need to invest in the Wally analog shop.

What a great hobby. Don't get this level of learning satisfaction with cd's.

I have a question about this mono-LP/azimuth adjusting technique:

Do you set the preamp's mono/stereo selector switch to 'mono', or do you leave it on 'stereo' when making your adjustments?

Doesn't matter for me, Neal, as I don't have a mono switch. I think for those more experienced at this the desire to use a mono recording is not as great. My experience is much like Andrew's, I have more confidence in the adjustments I make when using a mono recording. YMMV.

Glad to hear the ole' trial and error is working for you too! Larry found the Wally buried beneath some old record sleeves and used pads from his cleaning brushes, but now I guess you don't need it. :-)

I'll have to try a mono LP for azimuth adjustment again. Whenever I've felt like fiddling with it I've just used whatever was on the table at the time, which is likely to be stereo (around here anyway). If nothing else I can verify what I've done, and if it's easier I'm all for it!

I don't have a mono/stereo switch either, but if I did setting it to mono would make azimuth adjustment impossible. Summing the info from both channels would negate any L/R adjustments made to the stylus. Azimuth is about reducing crosstalk, whereas a mono switch forces 100% crosstalk.