MMF-5 vs. VPI HW-19 Jr - old school or new age?

I own an MMF-5 turntable, which I enjoy and generally agree is an excellent value. I have the opportunity to purchase a very lightly used VPI HW-19 Jr., but purchase must be made un-heard. And, unfortunately, sale of the MMF-5 would fund the VPI table purchase, so no direct comparison is possible. The VPI comes without an arm, but with the plinth drilled for a Sumiko MMT arm, which I happen to have in mint condition. Cartridge will be a Benz micro silver, which I like a lot. Should I pull the trigger and dump the Music Hall for the VPI or stick with what I've got? (swap would be about even in terms of money, so not a factor).

My system consists of Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 pre, Myryad MA-120 amp, and AAD 2001 monitors. Cables are mid-grade XLO. I listen primarily to jazz and tend to think if a system can get Miles Davis' horn right, most else will probably be right as well.

It may be a lateral move right now, but you have the potential to upgrade the VPI as time and funds allow. It COULD be a much better table down the road.

However, if I were in your shoes I would probably wait, save some additional cash, and get a better table/arm down the road. Keep your eyes open; there are good deals coming up all the time on all sorts of things. And don't forget the phono stage also - big improvements can be had by upgrading that as well.

PTMconsulting's point about upgrading the "Jr." model may prove more difficult that previously, because VPI no longer manufactures the HW-19 turntable. Thus, you'll have to rely on buying the upgrades (or a complete Mark 3 or Mark 4 version) in "used" condition from other audiophiles.

I have owned a VPI HW-19 since 1987, when I bought the Mark 2 version. The table has been continuously upgraded in the years since, to include the stand-alone motor assembly. I have compared its' performance directly to the newer VPI Scoutmaster, and I think my HW-19 Mk4 (with modifications) performs at least as well. Therefore, my recommendation is -- providing you have the budget -- is to try to find the Mark 3 or Mark 4 version of the HW-19 and skip the "Jr." version.
Strictly based on dollars, the MM-5 is a much better value. I agree with Bob however; save some money and make a serious upgrade if you are really into analog. The 19jr is a marginal step up for you.
Darn...I should have known the solution most often encouraged on Audiogon would be to opt for a much more expensive solution! Perhaps I should have made it clear that either turntable (in its existing state) will be my turntable for many a year, and I don't anticipate putting more bucks into my vinyl habit.

That being said, I do appreciate your well-intentioned and no doubt well-informed advice. In keeping with it, I think I'll hold on to the Music Hall...and put more mental energy into figuring out how I'm going to store my growing lp collection.

Thanks again, Ben