Just my two cents.--Doug IS right!!I'm sure he knows that antiskate does impact sound,and of course we all want to adjust to "almost perfection".Yet it cannot be done,and the linear approach IS superior in my own experience,YET I agree that we are going a bit overboard and SHOULD really just enjoy the music.In my experience,antiskate is a GOOD thing,on the particular arms I have owned.Also,NO antiskate,on the linear trackers IS CLEARLY superior,amongst other reasons.Actually for those,like me,happy with what particular pivoting design they own,a word of advice-----"Do NOT make an attempt to hear a really good,high def set-up, using a very good linear tracker"!!There is no ratonalizing in this regard.A good linear tracker(like the Forsell/Air Tangent/Kuzma/Rockport/Walker,and maybe the NEW Cartridge Man "Conductor",which seems to be a bargain,if one is inclined to go that route)is in another class from our favorite pivots,"except maybe one"!And there is a guy,in Florida,who knows this!
A pain to maintain.Unless you have a cushy job,with lots of spare time,or retired,like my pal.NOT hard to maintain,but like keeping a good fishtank,a bit of a pain.Yet worth it.REALLY WORTH IT,and I can't hear my friend's unit anymore as he has gone to a unipivot,for convenience.The difference between "it" and the linear unit is like the difference between a nice Decca Dutch pressing,compared to a really good British pressing,Wide Band.One is dynamic,to the max,and a bit bright,with what seems to be alot of energy and detail.With a somewhat flatter soundstage presentation,and a touch of graininess,yet quite acceptable(Dutch).The other(English pressings)have a superb sense of relaxed ambience,with wonderful depth of stage,and very natural tonal characteristics.Simply put,more natural,like a good linear design!!That's my own take,which as you all know,is just opinion.Nothing more.
BTW,as to the .01 gm accuracy of the better(mandatory,actualy)digital guages..I can clearly hear the differences in such amall increments,on ALL of my friends' set-ups.As well as my own,which HAPPILY will be up and running(with a bunch of new "GIZMOS")in about a week or so.
If anyone feels the .01gm accuracy is not important,and I know you ultimately want to voice by ear,then it's time to re-think that particular system's resolution.
Best,and no disrespect meant to anyone in particular!