I've found the cd player for analog lovers

I'm the guy who said on Audiogon, "When is digital going to get the soul of music?". Let me just say that I've found the digital player that rivals or beats analog. No, it is not $40,000. Please read me on my thread! I do believe that there is much variability with cd's. So not all cd's are created equally. The player in question is APL Hi-Fi's Denon 3910. I've found that volume is really critical. Alex voiced his player while comparing it to analog. Let me just tell you that I used to get tense from cd. I'm not saying that all cd's will sound great. For instance, my friend bought a cd from Walmart that was Van Morrison's greatest hits. It was hard to listen to through the digital haze to the music on Alex's $19,000(not your price)cd player.
You guys must think that I'm kidding. Let me tell you, I have 2,000 lp's and maybe 5 cd's(although I've accessed many more). Do you think I want cd to beat lp? Ask Alex for the Mmakshak version of the 3910. I want lp to beat cd. In fact, Alex said he has an upgrade(minor), that I'm looking forward to, as it will allow me to lower the tracking force on my nude Archiv, with the corresponding anti-skate-which I'm a current expert on(due to those that know being not-forthcoming). I'm not kidding here guys!
I can't help it. I am interested in music. I don't care about me. I'm too old for that! I don't know how Alex did it, but he did. What I'm trying for here is to get my analog(circa 1992) to equal Alex's 3910. Don't worry, I've not given up! In the meantime, you ought to investigate what I've said.
Boy, I bet you have a grand ole time in a room all by yourself. You can never get lonely when you can carry on such a conversation with the voices in your head........

All, please keep your posts respectful of your fellow Audiogoners. Remarks ad hominem are in exceeding poor taste, are completely unacceptable, and reflect extremely badly on the poster, especially when derogatory of someone's diversity. If you require further explanation on the subject, please feel free to contact me offline. Regards, Guido
Dear Guido,

What posts do you feel weren't respectful? Mmakshak comes off like he is in dire need of medication. When calling it like it is, how does this reflect on his diversity, or lack of. I don't see the connection.

BTW, don't be so serious. I doubt anybody's feelings were hurt in the making of this thread.
