And Peter, good to "see" you again, happy to see you're still enjoying the Mighty Lencos :-)!!
For an update on my system these days, I last reported I had acquired a pair of Klipsch Heresy's which totally blew me away and conquered me, and in a new development I have matched them to a tube amp, an Audio Innovations Series 800 MKIII, an EL34-based push-pull 25-watt Class A amp, which is monstrous power for the ultra-sensitive Klipsch, as I spend my days and nights diving for the volume control (due as well to the monstrous dynamics of idler-wheel drives, now Unchained)!!
Now the AI is not exotica, or classic vintage/legend, or even subversive/fun like the Dynaco ST-120, the Worst Amplifier in the World (which, come to think of it, I'll try with the Klipsch, as due to its stiff regulated power supply it has very fine control of detail and minutiae, should be fun ;-)), but, it IS musical, it does detail, it does bass, and I am very happy. It plays such beautiful music. Which is to say, a properly-balanced system will be superior to a system built up of legends and exotica. The fellow who came over yesterday, who has a very high-end system, also admitted it did not sound as good as mine. But, he will soon have a Lenco and I predict it will then become superior to mine in all kinds of ways, as I know and admire the individual components, Wyetech tube electronics (superb) and Coincident Victory speakers, which should be an excellent match.
Hey Dave, those Yamahas ARE good aren't they?!? A total surprise when I first hooked up my 625s in my system by a series of accidents, which I had bought strictly to test old electronics. Actually, I'm thinking they would sound superb with my tube amp!!
Anyway, have fun mixing and matching guys and girl(s ;-)). The Dynaco is actually sounding excellent with the Heresy's in the background, very smooth and detailed, had a feeling this match would work (and fun to challenge people's perceptions/prejudices), more later!!