Record Cleaners / RCMs

I've been reading with interest in previous posts about how important it is to have a record cleaning machine. I can understand the great importance of cleaning records using the scrub/vaccuum mechanisms of these RCMs if the records are filled with finger prints, or were purchased second hand (and require a deep cleaning) but what about newly purchased vinyl? If one has purchased vinyl new, and has taken extreme care of his records in the past(ie..not touching the playing surface with dirty fingers, lightly cleaning the playing surface with an old discwasher pad, etc) would it be benficial to use an RCM. I've not seen these RCMs up close, but it would appear that the scrubbing and vaccumming of these machines might possibly do more damage than good.

When I purchased my Linn Axis many years ago, I was told by the Linn dealer that one did not need to clean the records (if you didn't smugdge them up with finger prints,etc). He had said the time that cleaning pads such as the discwasher did more damage than good. Armed with that advice, I stopped using the discwashwer as well.

I'm about to bring out my record collection again after storing them the past 15 years. Should I clean them using the discwasher?....or perhaps get an entry level RCM? Or should I continue to do what my Linn dealer told me before and not clean them at all?

I would appreciate your comments.

So I've decided I'm going to buy an entry level RCM and get my hands one the Zerodust and Magic Eraser as well for stylus care. One final question...Do I get the KAB EV1 for the Nitty Gritty Model 1? My central vacuum connection is conveniently located in my living room right next to my stereo, so hooking the unit up would not be a problem. I do think that a built in motor would be less 'messy'. Is the suction on the Nitty Gritty strong enough....or would the KAB combined with my central vac clean my records better? By the way, my central vac has a built in valve to provide variable suction.
The KAB with your central vac will give you both better suction/lift and on top of that much quieter operation. The Nitty Gritty will be deafening compared to the KAB/C-vac combo. On top of that, if you are cleaning a lot of records at once, the Nitty Gritty has a reputation for being prone to overheating. I would be surprised if Kevin at KAB who sells both products wouldn't advise you to buy the KAB under the circumstances. The one drawback with either, as I've pointed out, is applying fluid. With either one it's a pain and you'll be best, as I've said to source a junk turntable for this.

I would talk to Kevin at KAB and see what his advice would be.
Update. I had decided to purchase the KAB and called them twice and left messages for them to call me. No response. I'm assuming he didn't call me back because I was located in Canada. Who knows.... Instead, I ended up purchasing the Nitty Gritty Basic Model from an online dealer here in Canada and love the machine! It's amazing how clean the records get when they are vacuumed! wow! Thanks for all your help.

This question to all Nitty Gritty RCM users. After using the RCM on an LP, the machine seems to be leaving a very small band of dust on the record (right where the velvet pad/vaccum slot is located). I didn't notice this band of dust previously, so I'm thinking that the recent cold weather we've had (creating a very low humidity level) is the cause of this dust accumulation. How are other users getting rid of this last bit of dust on the record? Any suggestions?
Once the velvet lips are moistened, do you still have this problem? If I don't use the little bristle brush on the lips when they are dry, I sometimes see a line of dust when I flip the record over to do the second side. But once the second side is cleaned, there's no more dust, if that's clear. Dave

PS -- A hint, to extend the life of the velvet lips. Alternate the way you turn the records you're cleaning. First clockwise, then counterclockwise on the next one.