ASR Basis Exclusive or Einstein The TT's Choice

Has anyone compared these two phono stages? If so can you comment on differences and associated test conditions? Thanks.
I made some earlier posts asking for impressions of the Einstein, because nobody ever heard of it, and I kept reading all these great posts from others about how good all the other expensive phono pre's were.
I talked personally with some of the owners of the Einstein and others who had heard it. These were serious analog audiophiles who don't post to forums. They have enough resources to buy anything they wish and they bought the Einstein and sold their more expensive name recognition pre's.
To buy a product without hearing it first is very difficult for me to do. I did buy the Einstein and it is better than I ever could imagine. I pay little attention to reviewers in the mags other than to get some ideas. However, Fremer's comments on the Einstein are absolutly spot on. It is terrific. It's build quality is outstanding, and the electroncs are the best. They use as few components as possible to keep the circuits as straight line as possible.
My unit has been listened to and raved about by some very savy people with long experience in audio.
It draw's the listener into the music. It's not the ultimate in resolution at 100 hrs, but makes big jump in this area at around 700 hrs without losing it's relaxed tube like sound.
I do not know how Einstein was able to get this sound without any tubes, but they did.
There may be better units out there, but nothing even remotely close to this price point. One of the true bargains in analog audio,and the best purchase I ever made in 30 yrs in this hobby. I might have overdone my recomendation, but that is just how much I like it.
Sabertouch - Thanks for your comments on the Einstein, they are appreciated. Congrats, great to be so pleased with an audio purchase, isn't it!
I haven't compared the Einstein against the ASR, but it has stood up to other competition here. Dead quiet, dynamic, great weight and image density, very musical and harmonically fleshed out. Einstein has been around in Germany for at least 15 years, distributed in the US for two years or so. Fremer's review was in the July issue. Disclaimer - I am an Einstein dealer.

Glad you are enjoying the Einstein phono stage. It looks like a nice piece of gear. Have you had the opportunity to listen to any of the tube phono stages (Aesthetix, BAT, Manley). Wonder how the Einstein compares to them?


How many pairs of inputs and outputs does the einstein have? I read stereophile's list that it has 2 pairs inputs and outputs. Is this true?
