Step up above Acoustic Signature Mambo

I have been happy with my Acoustic signature Mambo for almost a year now. Being new to analog, I haven't done any experimentation with various turntables , arms, phono preamps or that many cartridges. So, at this point, I don't know how much I can improve things and where the best improvements could be made.

Question, would the TW Acustic Raven AC be a significant improvement over the Mambo or would funds be better directed to soemthing else? Phono preamp? Speakers?


It was an ear-opening experience and very worthwhile. I had some busy work days spilling over into the evening with customers. I'll have a chance this weekend to provide a formal and thorough post. Hang-on.

Couldn't resist one more comment speciifc to this thread. Listening to Raul's preamp showed me that there is a lot more that can be extracted from my Analog system. Based on that, the Mambo is not the weak link and the piece of gear I should change at this point.

More later.
Ha ha! Andrew, you're going down the same slope I'm on! Well, slide on down and we'll enjoy the ride together. :)

Looks like we'll be meeting Raul up here this weekend.

