Fanfare FM-2G-C antenna

Anyone use a Fanfare "collge band" whip antenna? Results? Better than a standard whip?

I'd like to mount an external-outdoor but WAF prevents this. I can probably get away with doing a whip off the the center it any good?
I'm not using the 'college band', have the regular Fanfare. The ccrane Reflect will beat the Fanfare for directional use. So if you have a station or stations coming from the same direction this is the best alternative and is more easily hidden than the Fanfare.
I've had very good luck with the Magnum Dynalab ST-2 whip antenna ($95). The Fanfare is probably similar.
I own one, and the results have been terrific, both with my Sanyo ST-35 and my current Pioneer TX-8500II. I used it inside and got acceptable results until I could move it out to a 7 foot fence post right outside the window. It now pegs the signal strength meter on all the local stations below 92 mhz. I haven't tried a standard whip, but the 2G-C is pretty clearly more sensitive in the "college band" than outside of it.

I thought about climbing up and mounting mine at the peak of the roof, but I'm getting such good reception from the fence post that I don't really feel the need. YMMV.

Well worth the $100.
