LOL. Nostalgia... the gasoline smell of a flooded engine on a cold day....the old floor the accelerator trick to get the 'ol baby to fire up (especially when flooded)....not to mention cleaning spark plugs and warming them up on the kitchen stove (that always worked for me).....and, of course, the manual choke control ....the richness of it all! Cars had indvidual character and temperament back in those days, and they responded to your care!
In comparison digital audio certainly lacks character. Boringly consistent perhaps. Where is the fun?
there is nothing quite like the sound of air rushing down the venturi pipes when you accelerate. Fuel injection sounds so mechanical and precise, regimented and digital.
LOL. Nostalgia... the gasoline smell of a flooded engine on a cold day....the old floor the accelerator trick to get the 'ol baby to fire up (especially when flooded)....not to mention cleaning spark plugs and warming them up on the kitchen stove (that always worked for me).....and, of course, the manual choke control ....the richness of it all! Cars had indvidual character and temperament back in those days, and they responded to your care!
In comparison digital audio certainly lacks character. Boringly consistent perhaps. Where is the fun?