Best affordable phono preamp?

what's the best phono pre, having to stay within 5000 dollars?
In my system itll' have to match LEctor cdp7, ARC Classic30+LS2
You can land a used Tom Evans Groove Pluse for under 5K.
This is a great value.
Also, I am auditioning a ZYX Artison right now, it is looking to be a killer for even less.
Good Luck in your quest! "Affordable" has such a different meaning for me that I can't even comment. What would an expensive used pp run? If you got the bucks, run amuck (I know I would)!
The Wright phono preamp is considerably less than 5K but is very highly thought of. I can't say that I'll probably ever spend 5K on a phono preamp, but the Wright, based on what I've read kind of tickles my fancy.
let's say that i 'm looking for a phono preamp to add to my ARC classic30 and LS2. It has to match that standard: but the least i spend the better...