Turntable packing wall of shame

A new feature at Vinyl Nirvana...not for the faint of heart...

Vinyl Nirvana Turntable Packing Wall of Shame
Dont worry - I got a Technics SP-10 mkII that stood in the rain and sun for over 5 years! It was a horrable sight. Took two days to remove the platter!

Dang darch, you get around. I have visited 4 sites this morning and have run across the exact same thread on every site.

We ALL know the possible hazards of shipping a badly packaged table, so I think it would be more helpful if instead of showing just pics of damage that has occured (on your website) to include step by step instructions with detailed pics of how to properly package a turntable for shipping. At least that way the traffic you are attempting to generate to your site will have some benefit to those who visit and can be referenced to others for future instruction.

My opinion.
I think Joel's instructions at the Turntable Factory are the quintessential instructions out there. Do a google on "how to pack a turntable" and it comes up first.

I touch on the topic in my July 14, 2005 blog, but not to the level Joel does.


I hope this helps,

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