How important is the transport when using a DAC?


I've been thinking lately, if my transport is extreme low-end, is having a nice DAC a waste of time? In other words, if I am using a $60 Sony DVD/CD player to deliver the digital signal through a coax cable to my Arcam r-Dac, is that not doing it justice? Do you recommend I upgrade my transport to better meet the quality of the DAC or does it not matter?

Charles - there is a big difference between a switcher and a good quality switcher followed by a fast discrete linear regulator.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
The ($4000) Theta Compli 3D is basically an Oppo 93 with a Theta faceplate and a linear powersupply and all the analog circuits ripped out. According to its owners it sounds quite a bit better than the Oppo 93.

I personally also have a linear powersupply in my Oppo 93, but never did an A/B comparison with the old powersupply.
MSB is another example I've heard several times recently that utilizes a quality linear PS and provides that natural realistic sound with exceptional tonality. I like to know what digital sources have this desirable presentation with a nonlinear PS.
One thing I learned to avoid (and dismiss if others make them) in audio is making categorical statements about the inherent superiority of one technology over another.

It is probably possible to build a fine sounding DAC using both a linear and a switching powersupply.
Ed - Ive tried several linears and none of them work well for digital. Analog maybe. Even LI batteries with ultracaps in parallel are not as good.

Until you have heard a good switcher/series regulator, you cant possibly understand. Believe me, the difference is incredible. There are none like this available on the market yet BTW.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio