How important is the transport when using a DAC?


I've been thinking lately, if my transport is extreme low-end, is having a nice DAC a waste of time? In other words, if I am using a $60 Sony DVD/CD player to deliver the digital signal through a coax cable to my Arcam r-Dac, is that not doing it justice? Do you recommend I upgrade my transport to better meet the quality of the DAC or does it not matter?

MSB is another example I've heard several times recently that utilizes a quality linear PS and provides that natural realistic sound with exceptional tonality. I like to know what digital sources have this desirable presentation with a nonlinear PS.
One thing I learned to avoid (and dismiss if others make them) in audio is making categorical statements about the inherent superiority of one technology over another.

It is probably possible to build a fine sounding DAC using both a linear and a switching powersupply.
Ed - Ive tried several linears and none of them work well for digital. Analog maybe. Even LI batteries with ultracaps in parallel are not as good.

Until you have heard a good switcher/series regulator, you cant possibly understand. Believe me, the difference is incredible. There are none like this available on the market yet BTW.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Steve, the best digital I have heard (by a mile) is the MSB series IV. A lot of people that have listened to every 5 figure DAC under the sun concurr. It uses a linear powersupply.

May be a better mousetrap using your switcher/series regulators is just around the corner. Who knows. Technology moves on.

For now, all I can say that if the best sounding DAC money can buy uses a linear powersupply, it is premature to write it off as technology unsuiteable for digital applications.
Did I just read (again) that a power supply is better than a chemical battery to provide DC to a component?

This sounds like the Naim dealer who insisted two car batteries would not run a preamp. The 24 volts would not be "clean enough" and the performance would suffer.

Sorry to sound sarcastic...and I am not claiming to be the end all guru here, but a battery is perfect DC, is it not?
Especially for a preamp or DAC/CD player application which is essentially a stable load.