Cartridge selection

I have an Oracle Delphi with an ET-2 arm and am looking for a cartridge. The cartridge should be low to medium compliance and have at least 2.5mv output due to the fact that I'm planning on using a Bottlehead Foreplay phono preamp. I would like it to be a MC cartridge, I do not want to use a step-up device, and it should be capable of good performance listening to all types of music. I'm not sure how much I'm going to need to spend to make this worth my while. $500.00? $800.00?

I know my choices are limited, so I am actually wondering if I might be better off getting a MC phono preamp or selling my LS7 and getting a full function preamp. This would give me a lot more options as I would then be able to use a low output MC cartridge.

I would love to hear what some of you think about this.
I'm not clear. Do you have a Foreplay linestage or a Seduction phono preamp? (I don't see a Foreplay phono preamp on Bottlehead's site, that's why I'm asking) and your system pics don't show it.

Here's what I'd do (without knowing exactly what phono preamp you had in mind.) Your system is too sophisticated already, and with the OD TT and ET-2 arm, you don't want to settle for a high output cart (even a HO MC cart) just for the sake of using a low gain (38dB) phono preamp. Do yourself and your system a favor. Get yourself a nice used ARC phono preamp to go with that LS-7. You just missed 3 ARCs under a grand, one w/ black faceplate to match your LS-7 ;--)

Then get a decent med/lo output MC cart to stick in that great arm. There are excellent mid-priced choices from vdHul, Lyra, Transfiguration, ZYX, Shelter, Dynavector, Ortofon, and Sumiko.

Why cut of your nose to spite your Bottlehead?
Thanks for your thoughts. There is no Foreplay phono preamp, I goofed. It is a Seduction. I originally built the Seduction to use as a tape head pre but changed my mind at the last minute when I bought the Delphi, so maybe I will just go back to that original plan.

You mentioned that it's not desireable to settle for a high output MC cartridge. Are they generally inferior to low output MCs, or are you refering to the fact that I will just have too few choices in high output MCs?

Thanks again!
Yes, use your Seduction for the Technics if it can be so adapted (you won't need the RIAA section for instance. The ARC phono preamps are tube units with higher gain, and a good synergistic match for the LS-7.

HO MCs are better than MMs IMO, but still don't have the finesse of the more conventional lower output units. van den Hul might be a little bit high compliance for the ET-2, but you should specifically to ask some ET owners what carts have worked well in that arm. My personal favorite med compliance cart right now is the Transfiguration Temper W, but the new Orpheus just came out so I'm waiting to hear what the early adopters have to say ;--)