What cartridge are you using with VPI JMW9

Curious as to what cartridges fellow JMW9 users are successful in using. Is your cartridge a match made in heaven or incompatable with the arm?
Seasoned, I have to correct a misstatement: my arm with the Clearaudio is a 10.5, not a 9
At present, I'm using a Garrott Optim FGS. It tracks very well, handles warped discs with equanimity (unlike the Grado Sonata that preceded it.) It sounds very well balanced and leaves little to be be desired IMHO. Whether I play Rock, Jazz, or Classical, it delivers satisfying music. Since installing it, I never bother to look at cartridge listing on Audiogon anymore, so I suppose that says a great deal! OK, ONE improvement does come to mind. For a cartridge that sells for a grand, it is one cheap looking cartridge. That can be said of the Music Maker as well in my opinion.
The signature JMW9 has an effective mass of 9g, higher than the standard JMW9 and is compatible with lighter carts.

I currently use a Shelter 90X with great results. It tracks like a dream. Even my torture tracks.